The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) replaces the former European Volunteer Service (EVS).

CirKusKus has received many volunteers in Bratislava in the past. This contributes to international solidarity among countries and organizations and provides young people with the opportunity for a life-enriching intercultural experience.

We are aiming for 2 international volunteers every year. Our candidates have various profiles, including volunteers interested in education and circus education, others more focused on content creation, and finally, volunteers with artistic ambitions.

If you are interested in how ESC works, please contact matej@cirkuskus.sk.

Program Európskeho zboru solidarity (ESC) nahradil bývalý Európsky dobrovoľnícky program (EVS).

CirKusKus už v minulosti privítal v Bratislave mnoho dobrovoľníkov. Týmto prispievame k medzinárodnej solidarite medzi krajinami a organizáciami a poskytujeme mladým ľuďom príležitosť na obohacujúci medzikultúrny zážitok.

Našim cieľom je každoročne aktívne spolupracovať s dvomi medzinárodnými dobrovoľníkmi. Niektoré dobrovoľnícke roly sú zamerané na vzdelávanie v oblasti cirkusu, iné sa zasa viac zameriavajú na tvorbu propagačného obsahu, či na umelecké aktivity.

Ak máte záujem o program ESC, neváhajte kontaktovať matej@cirkuskus.sk.

OPEN CALL 2025 - 2026

CALL OPEN - Circus pedagogy & artistic development volunteer

During this activity CirKusKus will focus on the artistic & pedagogical development of the volunteer. The activity will begin with an initiation circus pedagogy. After, the volunteer shall be involved in both pedagogical & artistic activities, being the assistant teacher at different circus courses, and sharing the love and knowledge about new circus at different events. The volunteer has the opportunity to develop their own act, as well as join the existing shows that are currently touring. Additionally, the volunteer will perform administrative tasks that are related to the circus school.

The volunteer will carry out tasks as*:

  • Leading games and assisting and ensuring the safety with kids during weekly multi-circus lessons and the summer camps

  • Explaining the basics of circus during workshops and events to the general public attending one-off events

  • Giving a workshop or a show

  • Performing in the CirKusKus variety show.

*Tasks will be based on volunteer's interests and capacity.

1 year from 11.09.2025 to 31.08.2026

Where / food / € ?
CirKusKus (CKK) will provide an adequate place to live - it will be a private furnished room in a dormitory in a community center Nová Cvernovka where Cirkuskus has the office. Bathroom and kitchen are shared in the dormitory. Bratislavské dobrovoľnícke centrum (BDC) is responsible for and provides the volunteer with contribution for pocket money, food, local transport, travel arrangements to and from Bratislava within a standard of living in the hosting country. CKK will provide training and office space within Bratislava reachable by public transport.

Training opportunities..
BDC will provide orientation training upon arrival. CirKusKus will provide language classes, regular evaluation meetings and coaching sessions, the initial circus pedagogic training, & the mentoring sessions regarding the volunteer's artistic project. We value the learning by doing approach, where the volunteers will be asked to complete tasks and the mentors will take time to reflect, gain feedback & insight. The volunteer will attend the obligatory On-arrival and Mid-term training organized by the National Agency & at the end of the project gains the Youthpass certificate.

Who are we looking for:
We're looking for a volunteer with a clear interest in contemporary circus who enjoys working with kids. This role within the organization relies on the ability of the participant to work independently. The participant should be engaged and creative, bring new ideas for activities and acts, enjoy movement, be communicative, and be comfortable with flexible working hours and days as life in the nonprofit sector can be unpredictable. Prior knowledge of circus is a plus. A volunteer will be obliged to also participate in BDC's events, work on a personal project, and organize a workshop.

CALL OPEN - Circus pedagogy & community building volunteer

During this activity CirKusKus will focus on organizing skill & pedagogical development of the volunteer. The activity will begin with an initiation circus pedagogy. After, the volunteer shall be involved in both pedagogical and organizational activities. The volunteer has the opportunity to organize his/hers own activities for the circus community.

The volunteer will carry out tasks as*:

  • Leading opening games and assisting and ensuring the safety with kids during weekly multi-circus lessons and the summer camp

  • Explaining basics of circus during workshops and events to the general public attending one-off events, Creating visual artwork/photos/videos

  • Writing texts for the communication campaign in English

  • Posting content on social media/setting up a boosting campaign

  • Organizing the festival’s workshops or volunteers or waste management

  • Organizing artistic workshops during the Slovak Artist Community meetings.

*Tasks will be based on volunteer's interests and capacity.

1 year from 11.09.2025 to 31.08.2026

Where / food / € ?
CirKusKus (CKK) will provide an adequate place to live - it will be a private furnished room in a dormitory in a community center Nová Cvernovka where Cirkuskus has the office. Bathroom and kitchen are shared in the dormitory. Bratislavské dobrovoľnícke centrum (BDC) is responsible for and provides the volunteer with contribution for pocket money, food, local transport, travel arrangements to and from Bratislava within a standard of living in the hosting country. CKK will provide training and office space within Bratislava reachable by public transport.

Training opportunities..
BDC will provide orientation training upon arrival. CirKusKus will provide language classes, regular evaluation meetings and coaching sessions, the initial circus pedagogic training, & the mentoring sessions regarding the volunteer's artistic project. We value the learning by doing approach, where the volunteers will be asked to complete tasks and the mentors will take time to reflect, gain feedback & insight. The volunteer will attend the obligatory On-arrival and Mid-term training organized by the National Agency & at the end of the project gains the Youthpass certificate.

Who are we looking for:
We're looking for a volunteer with a clear interest in contemporary circus who enjoys working with kids. This role within the organization relies on the ability of the participant to work independently. The participant should be engaged and creative, bring new ideas for activities and acts, enjoy movement, be communicative, and be comfortable with flexible working hours and days as life in the nonprofit sector can be unpredictable. Prior knowledge of circus is a plus as are skills in graphic design, social media, or project management. A volunteer will also participate in BDC's events, workshops, trainings and meetings.


Ugnė came to CirKusKus for a half a year long Erasmus+ internship after she graduated in “Art History, Criticism and Media” studies in Lithuania. Her thesis involved analysis of contemporary circus and her aim here will be to understand how all the theory works in real life. Her tasks here will of course also involve learning of new circus skills, but most of the time the focus will be on the management side of the circus school. She will do tasks like job-shadowing, learn how coordinating, funding, bookings, advertising, networking and other things needed for an organisation like this to function work.




Christine is a circus artist from Greece. Graduated preparatory circus school in Portugal and has taught circus in the Netherlands, England, Portugal and now in Slovakia. She came to volunteer for Cirkuskus and learn as well as share what she knows, while having fun with it!

Her disciplines are aerial hoop, and flow arts. Although she is dedicated to her disciplines, she loves to mix it up a bit by experimenting other apparatuses and props. She worked as an entertainer, performer and teacher even before graduating circus school and believes circus is for everyone. She loves to teach kids and adults but also can’t stay away from the stage. Circus is beneficial for the mind and the body, combining athleticism and creativity, if everyone did a little bit of circus every day the world would be a nicer place.


Hey, I’m Fedja and I’m from Slovenia! I’m involved now with circus for two years doing mainly juggling, but I know basics of many other disciplines. I am also a musician and visual artist, I try to combine sound, video and juggling into one performance. In my half year stay here, I hope to learn a thing or two about teaching children and to bring some fresh creative energy into CirKusKus, with love for improvisation.



Zoé, originally from France, has decided to spend a year as a volunteer to discover the new circus environment. She has been practicing circus for 10 years, starting with aerial silks and gradually focusing on handstands. In France she also taught circus to children. After completing her studies in sociology, she chose this volunteering year to deepen her circus skills while immersing herself in a new culture. Her tasks will include assisting teaching circus classes, taking parts in shows and workshops.


Meet Jimin from Lithuania! They have recently finished high school and started their adventure by volunteering in Bratislava, Slovakia. Jimin have done contemporary dance for around 8 years and have been dancing in general for around 10 years. They are very excited to start learning about contemporary circus techniques and implementing what they’ve learnt during their dance years. Jimin is open to trying new things and to learn as much as possible about contemporary circus!